1. Probiotics
Lets start off with a course of probiotics. Your stomach is the first line of defence for all viruses and bacteria. Purchase from the fridge of your local health food store and take one daily for at least 1 month. Fill your gut with good bacteria.
2. Wash your hands
You know what to do. Sanitize your work space, phones, keyboards, gym equipment, keys, remote controls and shared spaces.
3. Green Tea
Swap that latte for Green tea. Full of antioxidants it is 100 times more powerful than Vitamin C. Green tea is antifungal, antibacterial, dissolves bad cholesterol and fats and stabilizes blood sugar levels.
4. Get moving
Exercise lifts you spirits and your immunity by increasing your production of natural killer cells by up to 300%. If you don’t like jogging in the frost or the rain, then head indoors: swimming, indoor sports, gym classes or yoga. There’s no excuse!
5. Cut out sugar
Cut out sugar and all products containing sugar! Sugar suppresses your immune system and can reduce the ability of white blood cells to kill germs by 40 percent.
6. Heat up your diet
Bake or stew fruits, opt for cooked vegetables, stews, roasts and curries instead of salads and cold meats. Porridge instead of muesli.
7. Breath and relax
Breath, relax, and take a mental break. An overloaded mind is an overloaded immune system (see article on Meditation).
8. Sunshine
Get out in the Sun and soak up the Vitamin D. If you spend a long time indoors and miss the light of day, consider a vitamin D supplement for winter. Vitamin D foods include: seeds (especially sunflower), alfalfa, garlic, avocado and bee pollen.
9. Colour up
Wear yellow or red during the bleakest of winter to boost you energy, mood and metabolism. Wear blue or green if you need to stay calm during busy times.
10. Supplement
Immunity vitamins and minerals include: Vitamin A, B’s, C, E, Zinc, Omega 3 and 6. Cook with lots of garlic, ginger, chilli and onions. Eat citrus fruits, lemon water, green leaves, raw honey, chicken soup, natural yogurt, oats, barley and quinoa, mushrooms and oysters. Supplement with a formulated antioxidant, Vitamin C (1000 mg), Zinc and/or Bee Pollen.