A Simple Exercise to Boost Your Immunity
‘Your Thymus Gland is located in the middle, top of your chest, below your collar bones. The word Thymus comes from the Greek word ‘Thymos’ meaning ‘life energy’.
The Thymus gland is responsible for making T helper cells or white blood cells. These white blood cells are the body’s immune system and protect the body by producing antibodies that stop the invasion of foreign agents, bacteria and viruses.
Energetically your thymus is connected to your higher heart; Unconditional Love, self love and compassion.
This ancient technique stimulates the thymus gland, increasing the secretion of T-cells, loosening lung tissue toxins, and stimulates heart-energy (more LOVE). You simply tap, thump or scratch on your Thymus. Do this for about 30 seconds and breath in and out. You can also add an affirmation such as ‘My body is returning to a perfect state of balance’ or ‘I release all that no longer serves me’.
Do this every day to ensure your life energy and thymus gland is activated but do several times a day if you are suffering from anxiety, panic attacks or stress and allow your life energy to come alive.