Neuro Organsational Technique (NOT)
Neural Organisation Technique is the result of the integration of over 40 years experience in Chiropractic, Sacro-Occipital Technique, Cranio-Sacral Technique and Applied Kinesiology by Dr. Carl Ferreri. It is a systems-oriented approach to body structure and function.
Neural Organization Technique is a branch of Kinesiology that works through the central nervous system to restore structural, bio-chemical and emotional balance. This discipline works with neurological priority systems.
NOT is extremely powerful and incredibly effective in re-patterning and re-organising the nervous system, ADD / ADHD, learning difficulties, behavioural problems, birth trauma, dyslexia, allergies, adrenal stress, cranial injuries, immunity problems, hormonal problems, liver stress, and more.
I’m happy to spend the time to talk about your issues.
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Hi, I’m Elizabeth Carabetta. Over the past 24 years I have helped people make the transition from struggling with stress and difficulties to empowered states of renewed vitality. I am here to help you to balance and re-connect with your body, your inner self and your goals. I help identify underlying issues that are creating illness and/or preventing you from achieving your highest potential.