Kinesiology opens the mind and the spirit to get to the root cause of issues, quickly. It unlocks your unlimited potential, and clears the limiting belief systems subconsciously running your life. Emotions (energy in motion) are fuel for the soul. When this energy is not in motion we become stuck in an emotion.With lists of 1000’s of emotions I am able to determine what emotion you are stuck in and where it is held in your body.
The muscles are the filing cabinets for the sub conscience mind.
By muscle monitoring I bring these files to consciousness, determine the age it occurred and then ask your body how to get rid of it.
You can talk about your problems for years and still be stuck with them. Kinesiology is a fast and effective tool for moving through emotional and mental issues into an empowered way of being.
If you have been through an abusive relationship with a partner or parent with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, you may feel that no one knows what you are going through, unless they have been through it them selves.
If you are interested in Healing from Narcissitic Abuse you can read more about it on my Blog or start healing by booking a session now.
I’m happy to spend the time to talk about your issues.
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Hi, I’m Elizabeth Carabetta. Over the past 24 years I have helped people make the transition from struggling with stress and difficulties to empowered states of renewed vitality. I am here to help you to balance and re-connect with your body, your inner self and your goals. I help identify underlying issues that are creating illness and/or preventing you from achieving your highest potential.