Why do we need to heal the energy field and not just the body?
‘Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.’ – Albert Einstein.
Adepts of all religions speak of seeing light around people’s heads. Ancient Indian spiritual traditions, over 5,000 years old, speak of a universal energy called Prana. The Chinese in the 3rd millennium BC wrote of a vital energy called Chi. The Japanese called it Qi. Kabala, the Jewish mystical theosophy from 538 BC, refers to these energies as astral light. The Christian religious paintings portray Jesus and other spiritual figures surrounded by fields of light. Many esoteric teachings, including the ancient Hindu, Rosicrucian, Native American Indian, Tibetan Buddhist, to more modern, such as Rudolph Steiner, describe the human energy field in detail.
Throughout scientific history, many western thinkers have held the idea of a universal energy pervading all nature. Pythagoras, in 500 BC, claimed that light could affect humans and cure illness. Leibnitz, a mathematician in the 12th Century, claimed that humans have an energy that can have a healthful or unhealthful effect – on themselves and those around them. Paracelsus, in the Middle Ages, called this ‘illiastter’, composed of both vital matter and a life force. And, of course we all know Einstein’s famous equation e=mc2, from the early 1900’s, that proved matter and energy are interchangeable and interconvertible.
In 1911 Dr. William Kilner studied the energy fields of living things. He saw humans through coloured screens and filters, and saw glowing mists around the whole body in different layers. In the mid 1900’s Dr George De La Warr built machines to detect radiations from living tissues. He developed radionics, a system of detection, diagnosis and healing from a distance using the human energy field. He took photos using people’s hair as an antenna. The photos showed internal diseases such as tumours and cysts. More recently, Dr. Valerie Hunt, from UCLA was granted $US4 million to continue her research of utilising subtle energies. She recorded the frequencies of a person, while receiving healing. The frequencies noted, while energising certain chakras, matched the colour frequencies Hindu traditions have been using for 5,000 years.
The incorporation of Quantum physics, biochemistry and molecular biology, unite to form the science of Vibrational or Energy Medicine. Our Bodies, like all material substances, have an energetic field and this energy field is influenced by your environment even before your nervous system or the brain.
The human energy field is made up from tens of thousands of electronic vibrations, with many times more information than the physical, neurological or a blood test can provide. What this relates to is … YOU! Your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, memories, spirit and your health. Disease and illness begin in the energy field then anchor in the cells, it even guides the unfoldment of the DNA and genetic processes.
If disease begins in the energy field, so should the healing process. To treat only the physical symptom cannot completely alleviate or cure your illness, as the energy of it still remains and will manifest another illness. This is no new discovery though, it was already known that we are more than just flesh and bones, cells and proteins. We are beings with a universe of energy and are actually composed of what is ‘frozen light’. Mystics through the ages have referred to us as ‘beings of light’. It is only recently that science has begun to validate this. Healing is a way of directing more light or energy into the electromagnetic field, instead of manipulating the cells through drugs or surgery.